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It is no longer new that all over the world women now have a voice, spreading the message of gender equality. In some cases, it goes beyond equality to women supremacy over men, leading to campaigns against patriarchy. The 21st century woman in major parts of the world wants a fair share of spoils, she does not want to be referred to as below a man or inferior to the masculine gender, she demands equal measure of respect as accorded a man. However, it is important to note that in some parts of the world especially Arabian countries, some parts of Africa, Asia, and even in the Americas, most women do not get the level of respect accorded men, they are still treated as inferior or below men. For the western world with huge influence over other parts of the world, women have seriously pushed for equality in the society, earning them great status in the society. The big question is: can gender equality be attainable? NO. I choose not to use the word possible in place of attainable because nothing is impossible but there are heights that are unattainable.

The world would be incomplete without women, they are the pillar that keeps the globe steady and unshaken. A world without women is doomed but nature has placed men in charge. Despite the fact that most humans in this 21st century tend to overlook religious teachings and stories, almost if not all religions of the world have an account of men as coming first before women in the creation story. The story of Adam and Eve in the Christian Holy Bible is a great example. With the great impact religion have in all part of the world, it is pretty difficult to place women at equal level with men in the society, for many, it would mean going against religious teachings.However, men been in charge of the world does not entail domestic violence against women, rape,
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forced prostitution, less pay in organizational settings, poor political representation, or even the view by most men that women are second class citizens. Women demand respect but they cannot get it by act of some women as superior to men, false accusation of domestic violence on men, blaming their woes on gender like most blacks blame their woes on the colour of their skin, or filing for divorce due to the absence of pre-nuptial agreement to inherit wealth (note; this is not in reference to the case of Jeff Bezos). Respect is a two-way thing, men should respect women and likewise women.

Feminism is not a bad idea but extremism towards any ideology can cause great harm. Gender equality is NOT ATTAINABLE, there is only one captain to an entire football team, its either women are in control or men. Understanding is very essential to gender relations globally, the fact that the masculine gender possess stronger physical qualities and in most cases are in charge does not mean women should be disregarded. In a family setting, the man as a matter of necessity should consult his wife for advice before making certain decisions, he has no right to do things without her knowledge, this should also be the case for pre-marital relationships. Women on the other hand should put emotions and sentiments aside while taking actions or rendering advice to their male counterparts. In an official setting, a man or woman can be boss, but there must be mutual respect and understanding.
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Women seeking to be placed above men because of career heights or amount of wealth attained should create another planet or make existence on one of the other eight planets attainable so they can be in charge. Some women want gender equality due to feelings of insecurity, or because they are power hungry, not on this earth. It is funny they want gender equality but would wait for a man to open the door of a car for them to enter first, they would be the ones to say ‘’ladies first” when the atmosphere is hard, they would be the ones to give excuses such as ‘’ strenuous works are for men.’’ You want a world of gender equality, do away with some of these beliefs. I support a world free of oppression towards women, a world she would feel secure to hit great heights, a world she is respected and truly seen for her value as the pillar.


  1. Your Last Paragraph sums it all. A society that is open to allowing a woman achieve her full potential is ideal enough. Feminism is okay but extremism of feminism is bad and should be discouraged.

    You've got a nice thing going bloke. Keep it up.

  2. What's your definition of real women?


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